Training Institute
Tamil Nadu Sericulture Training Institute, Hosur
To impart refresher training to the field level functionaries of the department and to train new farmers and reelers on continuous basis, the Department of Sericulture has a training institute at Hosur with all infrastructure and residential facilities.
A monthly technical magazine ‘Pattu Malar’ is published by this Institute and distributed to farmers at subsidised price of Rs.2/- per copy. It helps in disseminating the latest trends, technologies and developments in Sericulture sector to the Sericulture farmers.
Courses offered
1. Productivity Improvement Training (Bivoltine crops) – for Dept. staff
2. Mulberry Cultivation Techniques & Integrated Pest Management for Mulberry Diseases & Pests
3. Young age Silkworm Rearing Techniques
4. Late age Silkworm Rearing Techniques
5. Silkworm Diseases & Management
6. Training to Bivoltine Sericulturists and new Sericulturists.
7. Training to New Sericulturists – under CDP scheme and Cluster Promotion Programme.