Convergence Subsidy Schemes

1. Assistance for Installation of Drip Irrigation System in Mulberry Garden




Subsidy of Rs.45,800/- per acre for Small / Marginal Farmers & Rs.34,350/- per acre for Big Farmers of unit cost Rs.45,800/-


1. Should have planted 5000 saplings/acre (Pro rata basis)
2. Plantation extent – Min - 0.40 hectare and Max – 5.00 hectares

Documents Required

1. Patta & Chittah
2. e-adangal/ Adangal
3. Aadhar xerox/Family card xerox
4. Bank Pass book xerox
5. Community Certificate in case of SC/ST
6. SMF Certificate (Only for applicables)
7. Soil & Water Test Report
8. FMB of the land
9. Beneficiary contribution in the form of Demand draft (BF only)
